ten most dangerous substances were deemed to be:
1.Heroin - popular street names include smack, skag, and junk.
2.Cocaine - often referred to as snow, flake, coke, and blow.
3.Barbiturates - popular slang names include yellow jackets, reds, blues, Amy's, and rainbows.
4.Street Methadone
6.Ketamine - a powerful hallucinogen, often referred to as Special K.
7.Benzodiazepines - a family of sedative drugs.
8.Amphetamines - known as greenies among baseball players.
10.Buprenorphine - also called bupe or subbies.
The remaining drugs that were assessed in this study ranked as follows:
1.Cannabis - includes marijuana.
2.Solvents - volatile substances that can be inhaled, such as glue, nail polish remover, paints, hair spray, and lighter fuel (gas).
3.4-MTA - is a derivative of amphetamine and has similar effects to ecstasy.
5.Methylphenidate - central nervous system stimulant, commonly sold as ritalin.
6.Anabolic steroids
7.GHB - short for Gamma hydroxybutyrate, a powerful central nervous system depressant, most commonly known as the date rape drug.
9.Alkyl nitrates - group of drugs commonly referred to as poppers.
10.Khat - an amphetamine-like stimulant.
READ MORE - ten most dangerous substances were deemed to be:
1.Heroin - popular street names include smack, skag, and junk.
2.Cocaine - often referred to as snow, flake, coke, and blow.
3.Barbiturates - popular slang names include yellow jackets, reds, blues, Amy's, and rainbows.
4.Street Methadone
6.Ketamine - a powerful hallucinogen, often referred to as Special K.
7.Benzodiazepines - a family of sedative drugs.
8.Amphetamines - known as greenies among baseball players.
10.Buprenorphine - also called bupe or subbies.
The remaining drugs that were assessed in this study ranked as follows:
1.Cannabis - includes marijuana.
2.Solvents - volatile substances that can be inhaled, such as glue, nail polish remover, paints, hair spray, and lighter fuel (gas).
3.4-MTA - is a derivative of amphetamine and has similar effects to ecstasy.
5.Methylphenidate - central nervous system stimulant, commonly sold as ritalin.
6.Anabolic steroids
7.GHB - short for Gamma hydroxybutyrate, a powerful central nervous system depressant, most commonly known as the date rape drug.
9.Alkyl nitrates - group of drugs commonly referred to as poppers.
10.Khat - an amphetamine-like stimulant.